Holy mackerel, is that the time?

Shit, July’s gotta flee the ball, leaving behind one ratty water sandal that the prince isn’t even going to risk touching and instead simply put some ‘Biohazard’ tape around and go peruse Tinder instead. Yes indeedydo, it’s the end of the month, and what kind of abstract image did our evil stepphotographer prepare for us?

Why, it’s… that. read more

Just gonna duck right between ya here

It has been a week without posts, which I don’t even do when I’m traveling, always having a couple of even token posts appear to keep from announcing that the house is empty. Yet I’ve been here in Walkabout Studios and the environs the entire time, just wrapped up in projects, to say nothing of it being ridiculously hot out there and not only is it uncomfortable to be read more

Out of proportion

Boy howdy, peanut-brittle and sausages, do some of these posts take way more time than they really should! But I’ll go into that later. Right now, we have a simple (!) follow-up on the anole front.

After finding the adult Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis) snoozing in the oak-leaf hydrangea in the previous post, I’ve been keeping an eye on that particular lizard, because it’s read more

Sleep is the meridian

Mr Bugg and I had a sunset outing to Jordan Lake yesterday, which was unsuccessful in capturing a sunset – it occurred, but not in the slightest bit photogenically. Before that, we were checking out what kind of other activity was available, which also wasn’t much, and mostly too distant for the efforts. But I’ll include a couple of frames for the sake of it.

This read more

Just because, part 52

Just a quick one from today, finding a Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis) stretched out on an upper branch of the Yoshino cherry tree, the same one that I’ve been trying to protect from the Japanese beetles – it would be nice if this guy was eating those, but I’m not sure anything does. After finding the lizard there, a bit higher than I stand myself, read more

June’s last gasp

Just three four last photos before I close out the first half of the year, and start all of the associated maintenance.

In doing my routine patrol of the front forty of Walkabout Estates today, I was musing to myself that I hadn’t seen any Carolina anoles (Anolis carolinenesis) up there for a while, like several days there are at least two, in two different locales. read more

Pink. Just pink.

Don’t try and tell me any other words for it – these are all strictly pink.

It’s overcast and rainy today, only not rainy in any sense that you’re imagining which involves water falling from the sky, but rather this delicate, namby-pamby kind of thing where the water trickles between the air molecules rather than pushing them out of the way, proving that you really would get read more

Gotta post

I’ve had a handful of photos from the past few weeks to get to, and have been shirking. To celebrate, we’ll have a few from today instead, because that makes sense…

The past three days have been overcast, mostly raining, and so not a lot of opportunity for nature photos (that I didn’t already read more

Two quick

It’s been a busy two weeks and I haven’t had time to do much for the bloggarino – a couple of the recent posts were actually scheduled days in advance. I should be more free now, but right at the moment, just two quick images from this morning, almost the same location but not the same time of day.

Heading out to breakfast this morning with The Girlfriend and read more

For effort, anyway

On a (fairly) recent trip to the NC Botanical Gardens, I was making the attempt to shoot with more effort towards composition and all that, rather than illustration, but we know I don’t do ‘art,’ so we’re back to being fartsy here – define that as you will. And I could probably research read more

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