Creeping ever closer

I think it really would be spring already, if the big weather systems would stop hurtling across the country and scaring it away. I’m going to berate everyone in states west of here for letting these hooligans get past them.

Yesterday the weather cleared and warmed again, and I did a small patrol of Walkabout Estates to see what was going on. I already knew the blue hyacinth read more

Token token token

For the sake of it, I did a few pictures today, and if you know anything about my writing style, you’ll notice that I did not say, “images” – this says something on its own. While signs of spring have been popping up here and there, indicating that the plants, at least, think it’s about time, we’re about to undergo a drastic drop in temperature tonight (like, read more

Count on, and with, me

Yesterday I said I was eyeing a record for photos this year, but was running a little behind on what should be a fairly intensive end stretch. That had nothing to do with this. Nothing!

Okay, maybe a little…

I also mentioned needing to go around and chase fall colors, and so I did, kinda. I never left the yard today (well, yesterday now,) but found a decent selection nonetheless.

We read more

Soon, soon

I’ve been trying to get to a couple of posts, but there have been numerous outside projects to be tackled (which are coming along fine, and some even completed) and so the time just hasn’t been there. And I’m exhausted right now, so I’m sneaking in a little very late Sunday color, largely because it doesn’t fit with any other topic in the works, and promising that more read more