De sat Sat

Which, for those of you too slow on the uptake, is short for, “Desaturation Saturday,” dedicated (mostly) to monochrome images, also known as, “Sat de sat,” “Sabato senza colore,” and, “Quit relying on your stock images you lazy shithead.” Yes, once again we’re completely defeating the reason you bought that high-end color monitor (of read more

And out the other side

I had originally lined these images up for a post several weeks back, but that was at the time that Mr Bugg was doing his own monochrome posts and was being snarky, and I wasn’t going to give him any satisfaction in that regard, but now that I just did something about ultra-violet light, I figured I could go to the opposite side of the visible spectrum and do infra-red now.

I had my fun with read more

More Monday monochrome

Let’s take another look at converting color images into monochrome. It’s not very often that I’m out with the intention of shooting images to be converted, and I never switch the camera over to monochrome mode instead, during sorting or editing I’ll pick a handful of images that look like they might fit the bill and see what comes up with the conversion read more

Monday color. And monochrome

We’re going to go beyond a simple color post with this one, because it’s more interesting that way. I started off with a macro shot of a small (as yet unidentified) pond lily, which loses a little bit when displayed at this size because the contrast in focus is distinctive at a larger scale, but so be it. The contrast in color is distinctive too, and it’s images read more