Some night, anyway

I was initially going to say these were from last night, but it’s getting late and some idiot decided the date should change at midnight rather than, say, seven AM. Whatever – they were shot at night, and obviously not right now. Good enough.

While I’m still leery of the temperature dropping to something inexcusable again, it’s been warm even overnight, and so scoping out read more

Visibly different, part 15

This one came about when I was running through my slides and realized that I had a comparison image – it was unintentional, but fell into place. What we see here is a view down from a bridge over a small waterfall/torrent in Watkins Glen, New York, during a visit in 2006. Watkins Glen is the name of the town and the big scenic gorge that cuts down through the bedrock read more

The other two

I told you this was coming…

The Girlfriend and I did a brief trip to Jordan Lake a week back, just checking out conditions before it turned cold (again) – there really wasn’t much to see, and the light angle was wrong even if there had been, but I did a quick snap of the pine pollen turning the lake edge into something from a horror drama.

That’s not one of read more

Can’t keep up

I go through the winter struggling to find things to post, with virtually nothing to photograph, and then when spring arrives and I actually have a small lineup of recent photos, I’m busy messing with other projects. Go fig.

No, it’s not that bad – most of these are, what, two days old? But yeah, they could have been up a little sooner.

We had another spate of warm weather, including read more

Visibly different, part 14

Our opening image comes from 2005, from within the Sonora Desert exhibit in the NC Zoological Park in Asheboro, thus it counts as ‘captive’ and/or ‘habituated’ even though, like many birds, it had the run of a large arboretum area – your call on how to classify it, if it’s important. read more

Monday multichrome

Justa buncha pics, celebrating spring – little exposition, so the TLDR crowd can have their safe space too. These azaleas are from the expansive lawns at Walkabout Estates.

Meanwhile, these aren’t big enough to show off much yet, but it’s a sign that the ginkgo tree (Ginkgo biloba) that The Girlfriend bought last year is doing fine.

She just purchased another of read more

A test of patience

Not much of one, but enough, anyway. You’ll see what I mean.

So in checking out the back twenty of Walkabout Estates today, I noticed that the sound of a leaf fluttering in the breeze was being remarkably persistent, and I looked down to find a sizable black snake stretched out across the dried grasses and leaves, vibrating its tail in a warning manner. It’s not just rattlesnakes that read more

Be sure and tell ’em Large March sent ya

It was on this very day, seven years ago, in a deep fog just like this, that we had the first abstract we ever seen.

Well, okay, it was the first of the month-end abstracts, even though I didn’t know it at the time, and quite frankly, it puts a lot of those following to shame, and today will be no exception. So what do we have as March’s golden parachute?

Ehhhhh, it’s… read more

Visibly different, part 13

So this one is cheating slightly, which you’ll understand in a moment.

Many years back, my first digital camera was the Canon Pro 90 IS, a more touristy model than serious, partially because that’s all that I was going to spend at the time, partially because I was still wedded to slide film. But after shooting quite a few images with it, I noticed something a little curious, and ran a read more

The return of Monday monochrome

I’ve been slowly building a small collection of experimental monochrome images and figured they might as well show up today, because who wouldn’t appreciate more grey on a Monday? Plus, it’s been a while since the last one, though less so if you count the crossovers

Anyway, here’s what I’ve come up with. Promise you won’t laugh.

I don’t read more

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