Tuesday of last week, out at North Topsail Beach, was a day of widely varied conditions. I was up and on the beach itself for sunrise, but it was a waste of time, the horizon being entirely clouded over even while the upper reaches weren’t too bad. Worse, the spray coming off the ocean was so thick that my glasses became coated with salt, rendering my vision so bad that I couldn’t be
Tag: brown pelican
Grey and green
So let’s see, what to tackle with the first of the beach posts? How about a familiar subject?
We’ll start with sunrise on the first two days. We’d driven out Saturday and met friends out there, so it turned out to be a late night, and I did a little poking around in the dark to see if the marsh crabs were active (they were, a little) but without any intention of doing photography
You can relax now
Back in August 2017, I mentioned trying to find the original image for a one-color logo that I use for Wading-In Photography, curious that I hadn’t seen it in the slide pages. I kept this in the back of my mind, watching for it as I went through the bird images yet not actually finding it,
Not half
And so we get to part two of the recent beach trip photos and anecdotes, but I can’t say it’s the second half, because I have more pictures to feature here than I did on the previous post. And they’re not going to be in chronological order just to mess with the anal people.
I made a brief mention of this earlier, but while we had good weather for the three-day weekend trip, the
Beach bookends
And so, without further ado, we reach the first of the beach posts. No, wait, there’s gotta be at least a little more ado, because I’ve been trying to figure out what aspects to feature in which order, and I’m starting to think, screw it, just put ’em up in whatever order seems to follow.
No long story here I just wanted to get in another summer trip before
Yeah boidy
And now – now – we get to the birds! I bet this has been as anticipated as the finale to Game of Thrones!
To say that I shot a lot of birds during our week in South Carolina is an understatement, but it was a great lead-in to World Migratory Bird Day, which was the day we were to return, so I only had an opportunity
Storytime 17
Back in the early nineties, a couple of years after moving into North Carolina, I took my first trip alone out to the Outer Banks – I’d been once before with my cousin, a weekend camping trip, but this time around I was intent on doing some ‘serious’ photography, which at that time was still being done with an Olympus OM-10 and a variety of second-hand lenses. My workhorse
Just imagine if I’d had more time
Insofar as illustrating a manuscript goes, this image isn’t a very good fit, but I happened to like it and it was among the first images that I got for this session, so here it is. This is a black vulture (Coragyps atratus) looking down on us suspiciously as we slipped in underneath.
The “us” in this case is The Girlfriend, The Girlfriend’s Sprog, and I, and the locale is
Per the ancient lore, part 25
I know you’ve gotten the pattern down and are keeping track, so I don’t have to tell you what folder this comes from it’s a mere accident of timing that it coincides with the end of the month, and if I felt like cheating, I’d let this serve double duty, but since I already have a month-end abstract, I’ll keep the post count up.
And we’ve seen this causeway
Change of plans
Okay. So. The plan, which we’d had for close to a year, was to spend this past week down on Jekyll Island, Georgia, and we’d chosen this time to maximize the chances of seeing a sea turtle nest hatching out, because this is the season. So we watched the predictions