Just because, part 54

Stepped out at dusk last night, then stepped back in to get the camera and shoot a couple of frames.

Well, it was more than a couple, because I was both focusing manually and freehanding the long lens, trying for an exposure that would bright out the branches against the last light in the sky I have a lot of discards. It would have been better about ten minutes read more

Tripod holes 37

N 41°28’33.98″ W 83°17’53.35″ Google Earth Location

We needed an Ohio one in here, and I liked this grab shot from 2014. The Manatee and I were returning from a game creators convention (he is, I’m not) and checking out some of the bike trails that he intended to be using read more

Visibly different, part 37

Just playing around this week, because I didn’t dig out anything of interest and comparison from the archives – been that kind of week. Still, these will be visibly different, so you can’t take away points for not meeting the bare criteria.

We open with a dramatic and contrasty image, though I admit I should have dropped the exposure down slightly to keep the snow read more

New wave

I have a CD kicking around here somewhere called ‘New Wave Hits of the ’80s,’ which is just one of many examples why you should never call anything, “new,” because shortly it won’t be. I mean, the art nouveau movement is well over a century old now we’re due for an art nouveau nouveau movement. Anyway, these photos are read more

Let’s provoke this party to commencing

I know we’ve all been looking forward to this holiday for the past month at least, so we gonna fire it up now! Today for Do Some Creative Editing Day, we’re gonna tackle some simple photo tricks.

I’ve covered converting images to monochrome before, read more

Nothing too serious

While we had another fog this morning, one that lasted for quite a while, I couldn’t be arsed to go out to someplace photogenic to chase pics, so I just went over to the pond to see what could be found. None of the landscape shots that I contemplated were really doing it for me, so I just shot a handful of macro frames, really just noodling around. Two of them, however, produced some nice read more

Monday color. And monochrome

We’re going to go beyond a simple color post with this one, because it’s more interesting that way. I started off with a macro shot of a small (as yet unidentified) pond lily, which loses a little bit when displayed at this size because the contrast in focus is distinctive at a larger scale, but so be it. The contrast in color is distinctive too, and it’s images read more

On composition, part 11: Nullhue

Or, if you’re less hip, you might know this as black & white, or monochrome, or greyscale (grayscale, what-evah,) or einfarbig. There are a lot of ways to accomplish it, but the first thing to consider is what you’re after. In times past, all photography courses required not only shooting in B&W, but developing it as well. I won’t read more