You guys are late

I think, anyway.

Over at the neighborhood pond the other evening, right as the beavers would be making their appearance (and were,) my attention was distracted by a pair of subjects quite close by, and so I switched focus over to them.

This is a pair of juvenile green herons (Butorides virescens,) and judging from their appearance and behavior, they’d recently left read more

Boy, that was fast!

That month just flew past, didn’t it? But here we are at the end-of-the-month abstract, so let’s see what—

Hold on, I’m being informed that we’re nowhere near the end of the month, so this image can not be the end-of-the-month abstract unless I wait quite a while longer, and I’m not going to do that, so this is the… fourth… day…

Whatever. It’s read more

Photoblog, photoblog

It’s not, really, but closer to that than, say, a parenting blog – man, even typing that makes me itch.

Anyway, a couple photos from last evening, since it’s been a few days without a post. Which is amusing, because in the earlier days, it might be a month or more between posts, and now, I had the same number of posts as the days in May – four days ago. I’m read more

Visibly different, part 12

Our opening image this week comes from a negative from 1998, and I could almost give you the exact date – I know that it was on the grounds of the (then) Carnivore Preservation Trust on the one day that I volunteered with them. I had intended to do a lot more, but things changed. Anyway, this was my first photo, and first look, at a green heron (Butorides virescens,) read more

Looking back on those we post in 2021

Okay, was that a particularly terrible title? I dunno, it had that certain cliché-trashing aspect to it…

Anyway, a look back at posts and photos from last year that I’m fond of, which you should definitely consider fair warning, because you’re not getting any others. There will be a couple more posts of a similar nature coming, one of them the annual tag roundup, so this will have read more

Profiles of Nature 50

Back again – if nothing else, we always have the Profiles! Now isn’t that a warm and fuzzy for you?

This week we make sure we greet Silas by name, as we catch him cheating on his widely-espoused churro diet – we debated about either hitting him up for hush money or seeing how much the tabloids would pay for this shot, and then asked, “Why not both?” read more

New York: Enough with New York already

I’ve already done posts on the birds seen during the New York trips, both the raptors and the non-raptors, but didn’t go through the photos thoroughly enough, because there were several more that I intended to feature, so we’re now getting to that (with a couple of other subjects thrown in as a bonus to you, the 10th visitor to this blog.) Above, one of a quartet read more

Saturday night black & white

Over the past several weeks, I’ve been setting aside various monochrome experiments for an eventual post which, so it appears, has now arrived at Gate 12. Take care when removing items from the overhead bins…

This green heron from several weeks back was read more

Meanwhile, birds

As I’ve been whittling away at the trip photos and video, I’ve still been out getting current photos – I’ve just been setting most of them aside. So we’ll play catch-up a little here, concentrating on the avians this time around.

On the same day that I snagged the angry bird, read more

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