Throwup Monday

I felt the need to throw up some photos for today, but had no idea what to display, until I realized that it’s International Look Back and Wonder What Happened Day, and so I dug up a few photos from this date in past years. I’m not sure what it’s going to tell us, but hey, I didn’t make up this holiday!

One year ago

This Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis) read more

Daily Jim pic 21

Today’s image, compared against yesterday’s, is a good example of how to approach the same subject in different ways, and a damn strong fartistic composition to boot. Good contrast, good depth, and a great diagonal element to the framing. Switching to monochrome eliminated the upbeat aspect of the blue sky and enhanced the textures, and there’s even the long grass read more

Daily Jim pic 19

I suspect this is the same barn as the one seen two days ago, turned monochromy by Jim being fartsy again – it’s certainly the same kind of (inept) construction. I’m probably going to find out Jim’s father-in-law built this…

And now I have to admit to curiosity over what purpose this building served. First, if it is the same building, then its proximity to the read more

Daily Jim pic 16

Jim sent me a handful of monochrome images as well, mostly taking advantage of the aged appearance of many of the buildings – not that they really needed to be desaturated, since they were strictly grey anyway. What’s notable about most of the building shots that Jim sent me is the geometry-thwarting nature of them, erected with right angles like any other edifice but read more

Going through channels

So this past fall, seeing my shadow falling across a view of reflections in still water, I decided to get a little fartsy again (I’ll never learn) and make it an intentional part of the image. I didn’t really want a shadow of someone in the peculiar and recognizable position of taking a photo, so I set the camera and held it down by my hip, assuming a more natural-looking read more

Nothing too serious

While we had another fog this morning, one that lasted for quite a while, I couldn’t be arsed to go out to someplace photogenic to chase pics, so I just went over to the pond to see what could be found. None of the landscape shots that I contemplated were really doing it for me, so I just shot a handful of macro frames, really just noodling around. Two of them, however, produced some nice read more

Still more Monday monochrome

I’ve been playing around with photo editing, and decided to toss up a few more monochrome images because, you know, the weather’s turning grey and so you’ll want to see… even more… grey… that’s not really making sense, is it?

Too bad, I’m plowing ahead anyway!

Some of these are relatively recent, some of them are much older, but all of them are fantastic! read more

More Monday monochrome

Let’s take another look at converting color images into monochrome. It’s not very often that I’m out with the intention of shooting images to be converted, and I never switch the camera over to monochrome mode instead, during sorting or editing I’ll pick a handful of images that look like they might fit the bill and see what comes up with the conversion read more

Monday color. And monochrome

We’re going to go beyond a simple color post with this one, because it’s more interesting that way. I started off with a macro shot of a small (as yet unidentified) pond lily, which loses a little bit when displayed at this size because the contrast in focus is distinctive at a larger scale, but so be it. The contrast in color is distinctive too, and it’s images read more

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