It is an ex-October

Whoa, damn near missed this one! As it is, it’s posting, like, 21 hours later than normal for the end-of-month abstract – I simply got involved in other things and plumb forgot about it. Not that I had a lot of choices from this month anyway, nor did I go out yesterday in search of any like I’d been considering, and the few frames I shot today don’t really read more

Is that all you got, September?

I really shouldn’t ask that, to be honest – it’s been an aggravating month on this end at least. This is posting in the early hours of the last day, so there’s still plenty of time for September to rise to that challenge.

But hey, it’s the month-end abstract – that’s a bright spot, yeah? And what do we have for that, Johnny?

Why, it’s… read more

Just because, part 43

I’ve got a longer post, the last tattered remnants of the trip to, you know, the state and not the city, but that’ll take some writing, and I’ve had these images sitting in the folder for a little while now, so you get this quickie.

I went over to the pond, oh, eight days ago now, since the sunset looked a little promising. As usual, that promise was broken and read more

July to me?

Another long, eventful month to wave toodle-oo to, and so we have the month end abstracts. And all three were shot within the month, so, good on me? I guess that depends on how good the photos actually are.

From an outing early win the month with the Unforeseeable Mr Bugg (who it appears is not read more

Been a long month…

… so we bid June adieu, toodle-oo, and get lost ya bum with the month-end abstracts. Yes, that’s right, plural. Three, even. Two of which are remarkably similar though, so be appeased by that. Or whatever.

Our first comes from Jordan Lake, a bit south of Walkabout Studios here in North Carolina, during a sunrise outing. The sky was a little too clear for optimal colors, read more

May be not

Since today is May but tomorrow is not, that can only mean one thing: it’s time for the end of the month abstract! Did you have your alarm set to get up early just to see this? I bet you did…

Of course it would have to be from the beach trip, and in fact, we have two, just to let you decide which one you’re least indifferent about.

Stunning composition, textures, read more

April must skedaddle

Nobody skedaddles anymore, do they? It’s becoming a lost art. Maybe I’ll start a school…

But it’s the end of the month, and you know what that means. No, not fresh underwear day – it’s the end of the month abstract, begun through a trivial coincidence and continued through sheer lack of originality and good sense. Today we have…

… to read more

March like a little bitch

Did you get that whole, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, or vice versa,” bullshit when you were in grade school? Are they still pushing such folkloric nonsense on kids instead of some beginning critical thinking? If you have no idea what I’m talking about, good! I mean, with the whole March thing – if you have no idea what I mean by critical read more

We’re out of February already? I just went to the store!

Yes, it’s the end of the month, so the dreaded abstract is knockin’ at the door. Sooner or later we’re gonna have to either let it in, or set the dogs after it. Personally, I’m in favor of the latter, and you’re about to see why.

As it was, I had enough trouble finding things to shoot without working on the fartsy, abstract angle, so what we have here read more

On this date 56

We have another sporadic throwback today, a peek at what was happening in years past, and this time we have two from the same day, which was 11 years ago. As I suspected, it was a weekend, a Saturday to be precise, and following a snowstorm the previous day or so. I had gone out once the roads were clear to see what might be found that was scenic, but the snowfall wasn’t significant enough read more

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