Probably not the last

Mostly because I’ve seen later.

Yesterday morning, when I went out after two solid days of rain courtesy of Hurricane AK924601 (or whatever it was named,) I found something I was beginning to suspect was gone for the season. I’ll start with giving you the big picture, which was roughly my view as I was standing there.

See it? [I’m never sure how easy it is for others read more

Thin but long

I don’t watch a lot of movies, for various reasons, but one side effect of this is that I’m not influenced by the common associations created by such. I’m not spooked by dark, quiet forests at night, and I find nothing at all mysterious or foreboding about fog it’s pretty damn cool, in fact. I’m still watching for conditions that I got one night decades read more

We need another

What the hell, I already posted twice today, and cleaned out the ‘To be sorted’ folder (long overdue) – then I take out the compost and spot another couple of images to put back into it. So what’s one more post in a day, between us?

The green treefrog (Hyla cinerea) that I spotted read more

More from yesterday

So, immediately after finishing this post, I ventured outside to watch for the moonrise, knowing it would be a little sliver of a crescent in the twilight just before dawn. Unfortunately, there was a serious buildup of humidity down on the horizon, producing a haze which wasn’t immediately read more

Frog Monday

Posted with a nod to the Inestimable Mr Bugg, who told me weeks ago that he was going to do his ‘Frog Friday’ topic for August, but then apparently the server lost his posts until recently. Meanwhile, I waited on my various frog pics so as not to upstage him, and now appear to be copying him instead. Ah well.

Our first is the most recent, a peculiar portrait that I couldn’t pass read more

On this date 33

We’re cheating a little here, but I said to myself, Why upload images that are identical to ones already uploaded? Which I’ve said a few times in the past, digging through the blog media library, but in this case, I’m sending you to a page in the main site gallery, because this black racer was taken on this date in 2008.

We go a little fartsy for 2011, with a tiny jumping spider read more

Here and… well, here

Continuing the posting of recent-ish photos (meaning those mostly taken while I was hashing out my ignorance of PHP to make things look ‘acceptable,’) we have these various offerings from the environs immediately surrounding Walkabout Studios, what the proletariat tend to refer to as the “front and back yards” we will attempt to elevate this missive by using, read more

Your patriotic duty

I just realized, on typing that title rather awkwardly, that I don’t use the word “patriotic” much at all. Which is good, because I find patriotism on a par with tribalism, and that’s just arbitrary “us-vs-them”ism, which we don’t need. Personal rants aside, Saturday, June 13th is National Get Outdoors Day, and I know, read more

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