Last week’s birds

It seems only fitting (perhaps that’s not the right word) that we start off with something that is not birds.

Shooting sunrise on Jordan Lake last week, I did a quick silhouette with one of the tiny, unidentified trees/bushes that appear sporadically out into the water a short ways (actually, this may be a buttonbush, Cephalanthus occidentalis.) Not the most prepossessing read more

New York: The raptors II (On the Move)

Yeah, it’s a terrible movie reference, but you weren’t expecting better anyway so get over it.

The second trip to central New York netted a whole selection of new raptor photos, but unfortunately not as much video as I’d hoped for or intended to get – kinda. I went up there with no particular plans, given that it wasn’t a vacation or shooting trip, but when the opportunities read more

New York: The raptors

I have a ton of bird photos from the New York leg of the trip to feature, so this seemed to be the best way to break them up unfortunately, the remaining ones may be a little while in coming, since some obligations are coming up. Right here, we have an osprey (Pandion haliaetus, but you already knew that,) hanging out in a dead tree near the Gatsby mansion read more

Switching ruts

At times past, I’ve realized that I’m getting into a rut, posting too many images of a particular topic, mostly mantids and frogs. I have also said that I wasn’t much of a bird photographer, concentrating on other subjects (like mantids and frogs.) Well, at least I can switch ruts, read more

Meanwhile, birds

As I’ve been whittling away at the trip photos and video, I’ve still been out getting current photos – I’ve just been setting most of them aside. So we’ll play catch-up a little here, concentrating on the avians this time around.

On the same day that I snagged the angry bird, read more

Some isolated birds

For this post, we’ll hit a handful of scattered birds captured during the beach trip, some of which I’d hoped to snag a wider variety of frames, but it was not to be. Above, however, we have a male boat-tailed grackle (Quiscalus major,) which were impossible to avoid, yet I wasn’t all that interested in capturing their behavior, but the muted light from read more

On close inspection

After a gout of photos taken in the past few days, there comes the sorting. It’s not enough to simply take them, to capture them, no no – they must be examined for merit, culled of any that do not pass muster (very, very few, naturally,) and then distributed into folders appropriate for their primary subject. Not to mention copying them all onto separate harddrives read more

Don’t plan on it

[Another meaningless milestone: this post is the 2021st, and it’s the 2021st year since jesus was born only not really because early chroniclers got the dates wrong and he may not even have existed anyway and why the hell are we still using this idiotic dating system? It’s year 60, since we entered into space – let’s start using that. Anyway, it’s unlikely read more

Token cooperation

During a recent outing to Jordan Lake, Buggato and I received the barest cooperation from our subjects – enough for them to claim they were doing their part, but not enough to earn any tips over it, you know what I mean?

The animal subjects this spring seem to be slow in getting active, though maybe this is only perception, but I’m more than happy to put the blame solely on them. We saw read more

Post-weekend Chroma

There must be a less awkward way of saying that…

Welcome to the first Post-weekend Chroma post, which nonetheless somehow seems familiar, though I did a title search and I certainly have not had this topic before. No matter. Today Buggato and I did an outing to Jordan Lake to see what was happening, since technically it’s spring now. And there were some read more

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