Visibly different, part 1

And so we come to the new weekly topic for the year, which may seem a bit self-absorbed at first, but is something that I recommend to everyone because it not only helps to see the progress that you’ve been making, it points out the progress still waiting to be made. In short, it’s a comparison of an older image, preferably one that I was once proud of capturing, with something current. read more

Nope – not even close

I asked a question in the last post title, and answered it in this one. The temperature actually got a tad warmer, held up by a front that brought rain with it, and the green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) happily took advantage of this brief spring. I’m still a little surprised, thinking they’d be in deep enough cover to prevent freezing and thus not venture out casually, but I’m read more

Last one?

Coming back from dropping some stuff off at the shed, very early this morning (like, two AM, because I’m me,) I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye (because I’m me,) and stopped to investigate. Which of course, made me go up and get the camera. No, I do not carry it everywhere, and don’t try implying that real photographers always do. It’s creepy read more

Profiles of Nature 48

As we close in towards the end of the year, now is probably not a good time to tell you we’re having so much fun, we may continue the Profiles indefinitely, i.e., endlessly. Eternally. In fact, we’re thinking of having kids just to carry on the legacy – why should rich assholes be the only ones that get to do this? Hell, we’re already choosing names…

This read more

Gonna be a challenge

So let’s look at the ol’ personal progress chart, shall we? Here’s where the stats for Walkabout stand right now.

Last year’s number of posts was a new record at 233, which has already been beaten handily – we’re at 263 (um, 264) right now, so easy victory there.

For images, however, it’s a different matter. Last year set a record for those too, at 1,037 uploaded, read more

As the season clings resolutely

While the temperatures have (like most of the east coast) dropped significantly for the past two weeks or more, I think this is a phase before real autumn and winter, and the past couple of days it’s actually gotten quite comfortable during the day. This prompted a little activity that surprised me, but I’m not knocking it.

The treefrogs remain largely sequestered, because they’re read more

This, or nothing

I haven’t entirely been avoiding photography lately, but since what I’ve been seeing is more of the same from the past several weeks, I haven’t been running to get my camera too often either. This is just to show that I’m still kicking, and still maintaining some content, even if it’s just variations of the same damn things. Plus this brings me up read more

This guy

In sorting photos the other day, I’m fairly certain I found the little shit that’s been infecting so many people around the country, the lazy sod that became a super-spreader through a lack of personal hygiene. Take a look at this guy:

You tell me: has this guy ever washed his damn hands?

Seriously, this is the way that I found him, clinging to the storm door of the back porch – read more

Local variants

The other day I did the rounds of Walkabout Estates to see what was happening among the nonhuman residents, kind of like a camp counselor but with a lot less chance of finding kids sneaking peeks at a bootleg copy of Emmanuelle vs Ghidra. What I did find, however, was a notable difference in the hue of the green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) that were snoozing for the day, read more

Intermission, part 2

I’m in the middle of a long post right now, worrying about it too much given the number of visitors to this site, but that’s my own neurosis. Meanwhile, I followed a link to a video clip that was quite amusing, but it was hosted on [urgk] Twitter I attempted to embed it here (with full attributes and links, mind,) but all that occurred was a direct Twitter read more

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